The winners of the League of True Mechanics for 2020

The winners of the 2020 edition of the League of True Mechanics have been announced! The list of winners can be found in this article and is also available after login
in the “Hall of fame”.
All mechanics registered in the new DENSO technical platform and who have completed the online courses were included in the League of True Mechanics and competed for the attractive prizes.
The contest took place until the end of November 2020 and the winners of this year´s edition are as follows:
Rank | User`s name | City | Company |
1 | Sylweriusz Sidor - SylweriuszSidor | Gdynia | EURO-CAR EXPERT A.DMOCHOWSKI J.KSIĄŻEK SPÓŁKA JAWNA ; ul. Morska 491 , 81-002 Gdynia |
2 | Karol Niedbalski - eurotim | Bydgoszcz | EURO TIM EDWARD NIEDBALSKI |
3 | Tomasz Jarecki - Blak-lak | Przysieki | Jarecki Auto Serwis |
4 | Sylwester Patroń - Sylwek327 | Stary Zamość | Kamil Patroń AUTO HANDEL |
5 | Bartłomiej Opalach - bopal | Warszawa | BOPAL Bartłomiej Opalach |
6 | Emil Maciąg - emilmaciag | Charzyno | Gaspower sp. z o.o. sp. k. |
7 | Maciej Kuleta - ateluk444 | Radom | Auto Naprawa |
8 | Przemysław Mirowski - Domel48 | Pątnów | Mechanika Pojazdowa Przemysław Mirowski |
9 | Karol Szuliński - Szulin96 | Ełk | Trans Serwis Elwira Szulińska |
10 | Volodymyr Kurtyak - Megamind | Krakow | Open Way Sp. z o.o. |
Czech Republic / Slovakia
Rank | User`s name | City | Company |
1 | Mário Eliaš - elektromedia | Žitavany | Mário Eliaš ELEKTROMEDIA |
2 | Martin Vyšný - VHS | Bratislava | DaM |
3 | Radovan Mišeje - Radovan Mišeje | Diviaky nad Nitricou | Radovan Mišeje - AUTODIELY |
4 | Stanislav Svoboda - Standa | Třebíč | SPŠT |
5 | Marek Langer - Mara | Kašava | ML CAR |
6 | Miroslav Sekerka - isatrade | Bratislava | IsaTrade, s.r.o. |
7 | Tamás Hiroš - tomicar | Kamenny Most | TomiCar |
8 | Peter Stempa - Peter | Jakubany 287 | Peter Stempa |
9 | Martin Novotný - rs | Žilina | Rescue systém s.r.o |
10 | Marcel Benko - MBA | Korňa | Marcel Benko |
Rank | User`s name | City | Company |
1 | Gábor Lancz - autolancz | Rezi | Autó Lancz Bt. |
2 | Veronika Kiss - Veronika | Fertőszentmiklós | Kiss József EV |
3 | Ervin Szécsi - boborider | Bicske | Szécsi Ervinné e.v. |
4 | István Balázs Nemere - nemerei | Budapest | Paulus Car Kft |
5 | János Cseh - Tata13 | Heves | Butyokgarage |
6 | Volford Zsolt - volfordzsolt | Mórahalon | Volford Autoszerviz |
7 | Herczeg Bence - Bergő-Hezsokft | Székesfehérvár | Bergő-Hezso Kft. |
8 | Nagy Loránt - nagylorant112233 | Győr | Gareagenagy |
9 | Tamás Altenthaller - AB Autó | Mosonmagyaróvár | Altenthaller és Bekő Autó Kft. |
10 | Nagy Zoltán - Zsakbilbo92 | Győr | Zsakosgarage |
Rank | User`s name | City | Company |
1 | Мирослав Василев - Miroslav82 | Варна | Кедър Ауто |
2 | Plamen Ivanov - commonrailbg | Vidin | Diesel Center Bulgaria |
3 | Станислав Бонев - dqvol4eto_koko | Димитровград | ЕТ ,,Иван Иванов'' |
4 | Людмила Вълчева - Lubov88 | Видин | Car Diagnostic Ltd |
5 | Милен Петров - mvghost | Sofia | Елбатрон ООД |
6 | Светослав Испиридонов - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | София | Красмир Испиридонов ЕООД |
7 | Don Ceci - Donceci | София | DC service |
8 | Николай Георгиев - bluedog | София | VAG Service German |
9 | Радослав Опинчев - Rady | гр.Монтана | ЕТ МИКИ - Митко Венелинов |
10 | Цветомир Христов - californieca | София | Яни Ауто Трейд ООД |
Rank | User`s name | City | Company |
1 | Virgil Onoleata - VonAuto | Curtea de Arges | Vongyl Auto Trade |
2 | Zaharia Florin - Zaharia | Targoviste | Zaharia Automobile srl |
3 | Ilie Cristian - cristianilie | Bucuresti | Automotive Profesional Diag |
4 | Ion Paraschiv - Ion.Paraschiv | Pitesti, Jud. ARGES | SC NEXT AUTOMOBILE SRL -TOYOTA PITESTI |
Croatia / Slovenia
Rank | User`s name | City | Company |
1 | Andrej Puconja - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | MARIBOR | Andrej Puconja s.p. |
2 | Primož POGOREVC - TotalAS | Velenje | Total Avtoservis d.o.o. |
3 | Igor Slajs - igorslajs | Velika Gorica | Mavis d.o.o. |
4 | Hrvoje Ivancevic - hivancevic | Sesvete | JURATEH d.o.o. |
5 | Matic Lavric - avtomatic | Trzic | avto storitve matic lavrič s.p. |
6 | Primož Rožnik - primozroznik | Horjul | Avto Rožnik d.o.o. |
7 | Jan Čop - Janko12 | Žirovnica | Hon-Janez Čop s.p. |
Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all the participants!
You can all look forward to the next edition, which DENSO Aftermarket team is already preparing.
The winners will be contacted soon by the DENSO sales team to decide together on how to handover the prize.
Follow us on our Facebook page to be first to find out the dates and details of the next edition of the League of True Mechanics! Thank you.